The story of Electric Waves starts in a dark period of time for Riccardo Curzi. His career in the United States and Canada as a full time musician with Absolute Journey Tribute abruptly ended during Covid times and he was struggling to rebuild for quite a while. Italy is a very tough place to build a career. An exchange of text messages between Riccardo and Ricky Palombo, though, started bringing hope back to both musicians. Ricky just wrapped up a years-long career run with cover band Serpico and was looking for work as well. After a few months of recruiting and rehearsing, Electric Waves is finally a reality! 🎤🎸🥁 We are a cover band that performs a very broad repertoire of rock and pop from the 70s, 80s and 90s… and a few extras.

Riccardo Curzi showcases his talent on vocals, keyboards and rhythm guitar (with a few solo spots). Leonardo Casadidio is a very gifted, technical guitar player, who specializes in crafting effective tones for the show: he sounds like a one man army. Ricky Palombo has an uncanny feel while he plays his bass. His prowess in weaving complex rhythm patterns is complemented perfectly by the drumming finesse of Fabrizio Minnozzi. We already have a few gigs lined up … and also a TEASER VIDEO for your delight, which you can find right above.

We can’t wait to start performing live this December the 23rd. By the way, please check the events page for more info on our next stops.

Please leave us a comment if you liked the video… and now let’s get this show on the road… literally. No pun intended 😁